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Writing a Resolver

Every ENS name has a resolver, which is responsible for resolving information about a name. By writing your own resolver contract you can extend the functionality of your name, subnames, and more.

resolvers are a core part of the ENS protocol

they give the power to a name "node" to control the resolution process from itself onwards (its subdomains etc)

resolvers were originally standardized in EIP 137, but have since received a few updates such as EIP 181, EIP 2304, and ENSIP-10.

Resolver Interface

the idea of a resolver is pretty straight forward. "any contract that implements the resolver interface". There have been a few extensions to the original interface, however a summarized interface is defined as follows:

contract MyResolver {
    fn addr(bytes32 node) public view returns (address);

Wildcard Resolution

In ENSIP-10 a new method was added to the resolver interface, the resolve() method. This method allows for fetching

interface ExtendedResolver {
    function resolve(bytes calldata name, bytes calldata data) external view returns(bytes);

Offchain Resolution

When you write your own resolver you are able to leverage the power of CCIP Read. More about writing a ccip-enabled resolver here

Test your Resolver

Resolver Test
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2 minutes ago